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Currency in the early years of Soviet state. Part 1.

    Great October socialist revolution has openned new era in histories of world civilizations - era of socialism. Busy most largest questions to organizations first in the world state of proletariate V.I. Lenin call rapt attention evaluation of financial heritage, got Soviet Republic. In Rough copy of program of economic actions, done at the end 1917, V.I. Lenin has marked: Nationalizing of banks. Selecting money in treasury back1. 14(27) december 1917 y. UCEC RSFSR on base of Lenin's project has taken decree-law about nationalizings of private banks. Bank deal was declared by state monopoly. Has occurred nationalizing, socialization of bank deal, issue its in hands Soviet authorities, write V.I. Lenin2.
    Party of bolsheviks and Soviet government saw in nationalizings of banks and mastering by the money system powerful undermining facility of economic and political positions of bourgeoisie. However quickly and radically to convert  the whole financial relations system in the country beside Soviet Republics was not possibility. Ruined war a scope of turning is filled enourmous and heterogeneous mass of money. The whole on 1 january 1918 in country appealled 26 billion 313 million rub in different money signs that in 17 once exceeded cash, have beside populations to 1 january 1914 year.
    Except soft moneys, beside populations, beside propertied its part particularly, inhered a greater amount gold(en) and silver coin. To 1916 in bonanzas was a bank silver on 114 million, small coins 172 and copper coin - on 23 million rub.
    Presence beside representatives discharged from authorities of classes of large currency amountses created serious danger for Soviet authorities. . . Lenin warned: Money, paper - all that is identified now money, - these certificates on public well-being, act a degrade image and dangerous that that bourgeoisie, keeping spares these , stays under the economic authorities.
    To weaken this phenomena, we must undertake stricter account available for is packed changing all old money new3 .
    To realize Lenins plan of money reform, which was connected with the broad system of economic and financial actions, has disturbed begun in 1918 civil war and foreign wailled intervention. So in country for a long time saved money system, got Soviet Republic from old mode. As payment facilities in equal measure used credit tickets, released by the tsarist government, bills State Duma's money of temporary government by value in 250 and 1000 rub., Kerenski money signs by nominal values in 20 and 40 hack.
    Because of the edge of need for money signs of small nominal values a government RSFSR special deciding has allowed a referencing the bonds invalidated earlier loans (Borrow of liberty, Tickets of State treasury), as well as coupon rubleses of procentage papers of the "Nobiliary Land Bank", "Peasant Land bank" etc Financial organs RSFSR continued to release credit tickets of tsarist sample by value in 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 rub.
    Government RSFSR attentively kept a check on that to in payments a people and founding took only officially allowed in address money signs and their substitutes. When delegation working Alexander -Grushev's region is turned to .. Lenin with question on that that possible consider money signs of Kaledin's government real, answer was unambiguous: Money signs to consider void4.
    Civil war has brought about the appearance on the territory of country of different counterrevolutionary governments. Majority from them, an authorities brushed off by main sign a right on issue of money, tried emission
own money signs, not in the least not taking care of their provision. United money turning system has collapsed.  The whole on territory by coverring war of Russia in that s appealled before 2200 types of money of different origin and names. So, branch of State bank in Archangelsk released morzhovki bills with expressing the walruses. Denikin's authorities produce emission one thouzand-ruble note banknote with drawing a tsar-bell and tape of sign is hollerred the Cross of the St.George. In Vladivostok trading company Kunst and Albers released own five-ruble notes. In Nicolavsk-on-Amur had circulation a rouble shop of Petr Nikolaevich Simada japanese merchant, which decorate their own signs by expressing a flag of Country of ascendant sun.
    Not less complex was situation and on territory, be under checking of Soviet authorities. Intensifying economic system crisis compelled government to continue typing a money for covering a costs on defence. For period onlywith 1 november 1917 on 1 may 1918 in scope of turning released near 19 billion rub. In ditto time to government, happenned to to restrain local money creation and forbid issue own regional, town, but that and factory money signs. On the meeting of Soviet of People Comissars (SPC) 29 march 1918 was listenned reports of chairman SPC Moscow and Moscow area M.N. Pokrovsky on need of issue local bon with governmental warranty because of exceeding poverty money signs in Moscow area. SPC RSFSR has resolved to acknowledge unnecessary issue local bon in view of reinforcement of activity to Expeditions of fabrications state papers and probable appearance to 20 aprils of sufficient amount of money signs for providing by them in necessary sizes of Moscow area. Person of commission from three person was entrusted to prepare for printing a report on motives of refusal of issue local bon in Moscow and area. Report on this has come up for newspaper Izvestiya 31 march.

1. Lenin V.I. The complete works - V. 35. - p. 124.
2. In that place. - . 274.
3. In that place. - . 36. - . 354.
4. In that place. - . 35. - . 159.

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