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Currency in the early years of Soviet state. Part 3.
State money sign 1922 released when preparing to first denomination The first denomination did not decide all problems of making of new, firm and reliable currency. In march —
april 1922 was consisted by XI convention CC RCP(b), on which all-round discussed financial problem and accepted decision on making firm soviet currency. In resolutions of convention «On financial politician» was indicated: «For the given moment it is necessary, not in the least not putting problems immediate going back to gild turning, firmly install that our economic and financial policy is resolutely configureded for recovering a gilding ensuring a money...»1.
In the october 1922 g. State bank was afforded right to release bank tickets in gold calculus by value in 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 tchervonets. Taking such deciding preceded discussing a waking new soviet it is money name. Were
attempts to tear with names, established on length of ages, and enter new, «revolutionary». For instance, workmans
People Commisariat of Finance have offerred to refer to as unit of hard soviet currency «federal». Discussed and more traditional names — celkovy and tchervonets. Word «celkovy» in folk with old - was marked ruble silver coin — «celikovy (whole) rouble». «Tchervonets» in Russia were refered to as foreign, most often dutch ducats, which were engraved from big standart fineenes alloy, «tchervon (red)» gold. Later this name has alterred by sawing to tsarist coins, contained 3,4 g gild. Offerred also name «grivna», but in earnest this was not considered, as far as per annum civil war its compromised counterrevolutionary governments, produced sign with such name.
After discussing was decided to refer to as new currency «tchervonets». This word was associated in consciousness of people with the notion on hard gold ensuring a money and was to cause a confidence. Motivating practicability of issue an червонцев, resolution SPC explained that is done this for «increasing the circulating assets without the further expansion of emission of money signs, in interests of adjusting a money turning and coming from spares accumulated real valuables».
Appearance in money system of country an tchervonets put serious change into it. First, this were money, completely provided by state by platinum, gold, silver, foreign exchange and deficit goods of excess demand. State warranties an tchervonets were hard. One tchervonets was changed on 1 zolotnyk 78,24 share (8,6 g) net gold. Secondly, decree-law strictly linked amount produced in address an tchervonets with requirements of trade turnover. Thereby, for the first time after October revolutions have appeared soviet credit money, which issue initiated a money reform in the country.
On the first stage a scope of turning an tchervonets was highly narrow. On face value they were taken only in payment of state collections and payments, numberred in gold. This is because as far back as 1921 made attempt to enter price calculus in gild roubles. For this purpose financial organs have installed prices in золоте on: returned in the lease of enterprise; wood; transport of passengers and baggage railway and water transport. But calculus prices in gold at conservation as facility of turning depreciated sovsigne itself did not justify and was cancelled. Payments in gold were numberred for customs duties and consular collections only. However firmly provided tchervonets begin to conquer an authority and sphere of its action become to enlarge.
Bank tickets by value in 5 and 10 tchervonets have enterred in address at the end of november 1922 g. Bills in 1, 3 and 25 tchervonets were put in turn later. Spreading them on the country is delayed before summer 1923 g. Banknotes by value in 2 and 50 tchervonets, provided the decree-law, as well as were not released for uselessness.
As it was noted earlier, beside populations on hands have large mass gold(en) and silver coin tsarist emission. In 1922 state legalized its use in acts bathed-sale and has allowed state organizations to take payments in gold(en) coin. Ithaca, to output in address paper tchervonets on «free» market is installed unofficial quoting gold in sovsigne. Gold(en) tsarist ten-rouble notes (8,60 g) was valued on market in 12 500 rub. sovsigne 1922. As far as decree-law on the issue paper tchervonets did not install their correlation with sovsigne 1922, State Bank, following conjuncture, by itself has defined a parity and has valued one tchervonets in 11 400 rub., etc. several below market price gilded ten-rouble notes.
By the end of 1923 tchervonets on home market has displaced from payment turn gild coin and foreign exchange. On 16 octobers 1924 paper tchervonets was released on 557,5 million roubles. They were ensured on 131 million rub. gold in coins and bullions, on 7 million — platinum in bullions, on 103 million rub. — american, english and swedish currency, rest amount — valuable goods.
In october 1922 accepted decision on issue gilded tchervonets in the manner of coins. Development them exchange management People Commisariat of Finance RSFSR has entrusted Petrograd mint in august. In task indicated that coin without fall must carry on itself inscriptions «RSFSR», «Proletarian of all countries, unite!» and indication of nominal value by words «One tchervonets». On Mint have prepared outlines of two different types an gerb sides and three types — face. Came From suggestions that coins must be three types: with expressing working beside tool, peasant in field and, finally, with particular drawing for Transcucasian republics. These projects not they were approved, and in november in PCF have enterred four new outlines: two — gerb and two — card faces. The Author of drawings become main medalier of Mint A.F. Vasutinsky, contributed considerable contribution to the development of russia and soviet medal art. Aside from the soviet coin development, A.F. Vasutinsky in 1930 is executed final variant is hollerred Lenin, made modelling first badge «Ready to the Labour and Defence».
For the base of registration a card face an tchervonets A.F. Vasutinsky has taken a scene of Peasant-sower on the Shadr's sculpture (pen name of artist I.D. Ivanov), executed on order Goznak. This is because Shadr, worked at 2-й Moscow factory Goznak, was entrusted outline development of new money signs and postal mark. For this it modeled bust of Red Army Man, Worker and Peasant, but already afterwards, having chosen best type, drew them. Presently, work Shadr belong Tretyakov Gallery. Drawings with these sculptures in the base of Third standard issue postal mark RSFSR (1922—1923) and First standard issue postal mark USSR (1923—1928). Scene of Sower, except the metallic tchervonets, was repeatedly reproduced on banknotes and bonds, released in 1924—1927.
On vorderseite golded tchervonets was placed stylizing drawing of blazon RSFSR, under him on figured dashboard an inscription «RSFSR». On the greater circle, framing drawing, go a slogan «Proletarian of all countries, unite!», feasible font, reminded get old slavonic elm. 27 november 1922 project of coin was approved and began its mintage.
The first denomination, vastly shortenned money mass, based in turning, has saved a population from need in everyday lifes to keep an count on miilion and billion. However presence in turning two not equal topple created much difficulties for development of economic and trade activity in country. Explored these questions L.N. Yurovsky write: «...created absolutely abnormal relations between city and villages. More rich peasantries had already tchervonets, but for peasant mass an tchervonets was too roads and inaccessible. It stayed else rarity in village. Renderred that tchervonets become mainly town currency, but village has stayed under soviet money sign mainly. But peasantry understood that get soviet money sign for goods — highly unbeneficial operation. He happen to to do that long ago already do city. It sold their own products in that measure only, in what receipts could be immediately turned to buying necessary him subjects. On market a peasant first asked the price of to nails, calico and other, and afterwards sold exactly products, how much it is necessary was for buying a pound of nails or archin fabrics. It could sell 10 poods flax, but it brought on market only 1 pood, from which it 20 pounds carry;be lucky back in village else. Agricultural product delivery become be shortenned. Agricultural product prices increased »2. In these conditions were required new measures, directed on statement of united and hard currency for the whole country.
The Second stage of money reform began with the new denomination sovsigne, which was conducted from the december 1922 year. Purpose its was concluded in that to change money signs 1922, played role of intermediate exchange equivalent, on new. Exchange was produced on the rate 100 rub. old signs for one rouble of sample 1923 year.
Population, well familiar with purposes and methods earlier conducted denomination, attributed to state action with approval and has renderred him a support. However on new money signs in explanation purposes fitted such inscription:
«ONE rouble 1923 is ONE MILLION ROUBLES an sign, exempted from circulation, or ONE HUNDRED ROUBLES an sign 1922». This explanation allowed people quicker to get accustomed to the new price scale, learn quickly to move over to the count from earlier accustomed «lemons» to new roubles.
For 1923 soviet money system noticeably has grown strong. If on 1 january specific weight an tchervonets in general money mass based in turning, formed 3%, on 1 october it is raised before 74%. This has allowed state to install prohibition on use in country as payment facilities tsarist gilded coins and foreign exchange. From summer 1923 g. salary to workers and serving steels to pay tchervonets.
Planning continuation gold(en) money program, PCF give Mint a task to take new heraldry of Soviet union account into coins. After conversion a drawing gilded tchervonets become to look so: card face former — Sower (only date is changed on 1925), on vorderseite to side fitted USSR blazon with seven interceptions of tape. On the greater circle between single-line and point thin rims was placed inscription, done stylized under the slavonic elm by the font: «Proletarian of all countries, unite!», adown, under cut ears of blazon, placed inscription «USSR». To issue of new coin all get ready, but further tests a deal did not go.
Gilded coins program, developped when preparing to issue paper tchervonets, had auxiliary, reserve value. Reasons done gild coins program of unnecessary, steels such factors. First, in that period beside states already has fallen off necessity in use gild in internal address. Secondly, in systems of money turning the capital countries themselves was developped process of transition to pared forms of gilding standard: gold-bullion and gold-motto. This meant that changing the banknotes by state was realized only on gilded bullions in first event and to foreign exchange — second.Wholly understandable that Soviet state was not a sense to lead foreign trade calculations in the voiced gold(en) coin, more so that diplomatic confession USSR capitals countries, begun in 1924, allowed to conclude foreign trade contracts for conditions of granting the credits. With provision for all stated circumstances and was not accepted deciding, confirmed gold(en) tchervonets 1925 coin, allowed in address.![]()
State money sign 1923, released for second denominationHowever, question on gold tchervonets sample 1925 for certain part an collectionier stays unclear hitherto. With one sides, it was tangled beside newspaper publications at period of preparing gold(en) coins program, with other — premises of its expressing in Big Soviet Encyclopedias. One of the first reporting such sort become mark in «Krasnaya gazeta (Red newspaper)» (Leningrad), which at january 1925 has reported on supposed overstrike soviet gilded spare in tchervonets. In march of same in «Financial newspaper» and in «Izvestiya» pass information on preparation to mintage new gilded coins, and in «Krasnaya gazeta (Red newspaper)» has appeared scene an tchervonets sample 1925. So, beside one,kept a check on move of deals on press, is packed impression that tchervonets 1925 fell into address.![]()
Banknote in three tchervonets with drawing of Sower
1. CPSU in resolutions and deciding the conventions, conferences and plenums CC. - M.: Politizdat, 1970. - V. 2 p. 329.
2. Yurovsky L. Money policy Soviet authorities. 1917 - 1927. - M., 1928. - p. 30
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