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7 march 1924 g. CC RCP(b) is turned co to all organizations of party on the question on the money reform. «Money reform, — was noted in turning, — turning-point our political and economic development». Hereinafter address revealled advantages, which money system gave a state and folk. Indicated that consolidate a budget, but this will tell on management in the facilities. Noted international value of reform. Now with face to face capitals world will stand strong in the financial attitude a state. Consolidate an alliance of city and villages, sowed become to get town goods on more low and, main, fixed price. Reform allowed to begin a struggle with gamble. Prices, — noted in turning, — changed nigh only daily and therefore nobody not known, will be able be fixed in the hard currency, and labor consumer will be able to avoid a fraud and arbitrariness of merchants. Indicated that earlier toilling have to were dispose of the money as quickly as possible to does not wait a new raising the prices.Hard sign allowed people to satisfy and remitted demand, gave a chance postpone a buying in expectation of more beneficial to it sale prices. Address explained that hard course of new money will benefical influence upon the stabilization earning toilling. Earlier rate losses working in the earnings in connection with the price growing formed not less than 20%, but sometimes —30%. Now such was excluded.
Besides, 7 march CC RCP(b) has sent all provincial committees, regional commettees, national CC, marginal committees and regional bureau CC letter, in which were defined problems of party organizations in connection with an ing a reform. In particular, in the point 10 letters was once again pointed to need of unconditional execution forbid issue what that nor was money surrogates and non-allowed pass-bies forbid nor in what form. In point 11 was written that sovsigne withdrawn in the order of ransom from turning, in no event must newly fall into it.
With 10 march has begun a withdrawal an sovsigne sample 1923 g. They were ransommed beside populations on rate one rouble in new treasury notes for 50 thousand rub. old money signs. If take totals two into account denomination preceded issue of treasury notes of sample 1923, for financial system stabilizations to the Soviet state it took create a new hard rouble, equal 50 billion money sign period of the civil war. Sold prediction V.I. Lenin, which in 1922 spoke that if will manage to stabilize a rouble, «then all these astronomical numerals — all these trillions and kvadrillions — nothing. Then we will be able our facilities to put (deliver) on harden ground and on the firm ground further to develop».
State treasury notes carried a scene of blazon USSR and inscriptions, revealled their value on poles by languages of our country.
First issue of state treasury notes for amount of 20 million gilded roubles was rarefied 5 february 1924, second issue (22 february) — amount of 30 million rub. with 3 million., released in the manner of small bon, third issue (21 march) — 25 million, fourth (9 aprils) — 25 million, fifth (25 aprils) — 40 million gilded roubles.
To 1 july 1924 ransom an sovsigne beside populations has ended. Spreading a silver coin was increased simultaneously. On 1 july its amount reach 21,5 million rub. However lack small coins was still felt. Apropos, in that time was installed quota, definied sizes of use small coins. So, in one payment was allowed to take coins nominal values in 1 rub. and 50 cop. only on the amount before 25 rub. Other small coin in any kit was received a visit at the payment on the amount before three roubles. Such hard to specifyed was called to warn a settling in one hands of greater amounts split hairs.
Rates, with which scope of turning absorbed prior spares changed silvers, already at a period of preparation to the issue of copper coin have forced PCF to find ways of increasing its production. Possibilities of Mint did not allow to organizine an issue of coin in the needed scale. Then was an accepted decision to place orders PCF on other enterprises. To this effect have elected a leningrad telephone plant «Krasnaya zarya», where from the october 1924 engraved two- and three cop. coin. In same period a Mint released one- and five cop coins.
More 1 million. mugs was here engraved at a day. Later one- and five cop coins released and «Krasnaya zarya». Expected to place orders and on other enterprises, on Tula's and Odessa's plants in particular. But these offers were not accepted.
Orders to the mintage of part of the circulation of fifty kopeckses and five-kopeckses have placed in England. Silver fifty kopeckses with a date «1924» engraved on the Mint in Birmingham. Order on five-kopeckses has performed a company Birmingham ltd. in cooperation with the company King's Norton Metal corporation.
Coin-type paper sign 1923, intended for turning in lieu thereof changed coinsSerial issue of coin in England was begun after the presentation of test coins and corrections of remarks, done on sample. In particular, was offerred to keep an uniformity with coins, which were made in the Soviet union. In edge inscription initials of chief of coins redistribution of Thomas Ross, written through «phyto» —QP., have corrected on T. R. (phytoes was withdrawn from the russian alphabet by the reform 1917— 1918 гг.). First party of five-kopeckses english issue has enterred in Soviet union in december 1924.
Production of soviet coin overseas had and political value. At january 1920 country of Entente only, in their number Great Britain, have removed a wail blocade of Soviet Russia. But already in 1924 in London have taken the order on the issue of coin with the blazon of USSR.
On the measure of realization of money reform occurred a money system unification in the country.
It was begun ransom of money signs an TranscaucasianSocialist Federative Soviet Republic and change their bank and treasury notes of all-alliance sample. 30 january 1925 in the united money turning system were enclosed area of Far east. Before this here in payments else were taken signs RSFSR, gilded and silver coins, foreign exchange . In 1926 g. it was unified money address on Sakhalin.
Thereby, from west borders before east in USSR have obtained recognition full-weight tchervonets and hard rouble. In the country is formed united money system, worked at the socialism. Changed crisis basically overcome to the beginning 1925 g. By then in address has left on 73,5 million rub. silver coins, on 1,4 million rub. copper. Besides, in the country appealled changed paper bon on 27,8 million rub.
Paper changed sign 1924, appealled at period of entering in referencing a voiced soviet coinIn 1925 the decision on release of a 1/2 copecks coin was accepted. She saved of weight and diameter 1/2 copecks of pre-revolutionary releases. Since August on a Monetary court yard the coins with date were minted «1925». By October, 1926 of half-copecks was issued in the reference on 161 thousand rub. In subsequent The period the Mint has made rather small quantity(amount) of half-copecks with dates «1927» and «1928». The copecks and 2 copecks coins with date «1925» were issued smallest in circulations.
The coins of 1924 have defined the person of the subsequent releases. For registration of the front of steel obligatory such elements, as a feather thin rim, small knots on him, ears with eleven By grains framing a rating, point above date. For the first time instead of structures of the emperors and the empresses that year on the Soviet coins the images of the people of work, those who have appeared by hands created and grew the terrestrial boons. So, on silver rouble of 1924 we see working ranks side by side with peasants. Their poses allow to understand: the worker calls the peasant behind itself, in new life, and the rising sun shines by him a way to factory city. On dynamism of figures, to laconicism of disclosure of idea getting stronger bowes of city and villages the coin can be put in a row of the best products of the Soviet medallier art.
On a silver fifty-copecks coin 1924 — 1927 years the smith is represented. He beats by a hammer on an anvil, repairing a plough. And though no on a coin of the image of the peasant, idea of union of the workers and peasants also is embodied in precise, limiting . explicit images. Very precisely coin passes spirit of epoch. « We the smiths and spirit ours is young », — these words songs written by the working poet F. Shkulev the ambassador the revolutions of 1905, were popular in the people. The artist has managed to make by their seen for all, who took a coin in hands.
During execution of the first parties(sets) of a copper coin the adoption of old has become explicit, that it is not enough of the standards economically favourably and does not answer technical achievement of century. On execution of a coin was spent huge quantity(amount) of scarce metal. Only for October 1925 bulk of a net copper which is taking place on hands at the population, has constituted almost 460 tons. Heavy the coin required(demanded) additional expenses at carriages. She literally burdened pockets the population. A purse with a copper from one up to five copecks for the sum of 1 rub. Weighed 328.
The state treasury note of 1925.The usual pecuniary system provided conditions, at which purchasing power coins was already defined is not powerful also by cleanliness of metal concluded in her, and, only designated on, by her by a rating and stable state-set prices of the basic consumer goods. to adhere to a remedium accepted in 1867, i.e. for fifty years up to Great October the revolution, was not of any sense.
In 1925 on a Monetary court yard the searches of progressive metals for monetary execution have begun. It was required to pick up a cheap, easy, wear and tear stability, elastic material having attractive colour, poorly yielding to corrosion. Such demands could be answered only by(with) alloys. To search and selection of rational materials come with the large carefulness. It is possible to judge it even that during a rough advance in technology of alloys the material which has been picked up in 1925 on a Monetary court yard, has held on in execution more than thirty years.
By results of comparative tests, which were accompanied by trial stamping of coins of small ratings, was decided to offer for introduction in execution an alloy of a copper (95 %) and aluminium (5 %). The metal had beautiful golden colour, high plasticity, good durability.
The Mint, trying six different alloys, has rapped out by stamps 1924 — 1925 years. Coins by denomination in 1, 2 and 3 cop. with date «1924» and 1/2 cop. with date «1925». Besides from three alloys of golden bronze of a factory «Krasny viborzhec» were rapped out: from one — 1 and 2 cop. with date «1924» and 1/2 cop. — «1925»; from two others — 2 cop. with date «1924». From bronze 20 cop. and fifty-copecks coin with date «1925» were rapped out 10.
In 1925 in connection with scheduling transition on new materials of a PCF has made attempt to change figure of coins. With this purpose the closed competition on the best engineering of a theme was announced. The artists A.F. Vasutinsky, G.N. Guseberg, A.V. Isupov, G.I. Piskarev etc have taken part in him. Before them there was a problem to develop plots displaying ideas of union of the workers and peasants, international unity of the Soviet society.
The closed competition has not given desirable result, and it(him) have extended, by making open. In July, 1925 the competitive commission of currency management of a PCF has considered all acted(arrived) drafts and has found, that they do not fulfil conditions. The management of a PCF has charged G.I. Piskarev to develop figures of new coins in view of competitive materials. Those days of «Izvestiya» the stamping of new fine coins » has published a note «. « The Mint, — Was informed in her, — 6 millions begin stamping new fine change money for the sum. A rub. The stamping of copper money is ceased. A composition of metal of new money: 10 percents of aluminium and 90 percents of a copper. The size of new coins is significant less copper. Colour their light-golden. They are much easier than copper money. The new five-copeck coin weight 5 g, while the old copper five-copeck coin weighed 16 g. On one party of a five-copecks coin the turcmen on a camel, on another — bunch of a cotton and designation of denomination is represented. On three-copecks — caucasian on a background of mountains and factory pipes, on the back — bunch of a grapes. On 2 copecks the Ukrainian peasant-woman with a sheaf of wheat is represented. On copeck — Coniferous wood ».
However specified drafts presented a PCF, were not accepted. Business that the small size of coins of a new type has not allowed the authors rather artly to place on their field complex(difficult) compositions. Let's present, as would look on the front of a copecks coin (diameter of 15 mm) such figure: the worker with a hammer on a shoulder, number(line) factory and inscription: « a Proletarians of all countries, be aggregated! ». On a 2 copecks coin (diameter of 18 mm) the artist attempted to place not less complex(not less difficult) figure: the Ukrainian peasant-woman with a wheat on a shoulder, number(line) — Factory. Below, on a background of a cornfield, inscription «USSR». The monetary field was overloaded with a representational material, has lost a laconicism. The considerable technological difficulties rose and before execution. Besides aspiring to originality, the artist has cleaned(removed) from coins the coat of arms USSR and has substituted by his(its) decorative figure. It destroyed the usual type of the Soviet coins, has improverish their ideological contents. So, on copeck instead of the coat of arms it was supposed to place the image of a disk saw, rating of a coin, year of stamping (1926) and inscription «USSR». On a two-copecks coin the not less complex(not less difficult) composition was offered: ears of a wheat and oats, rating of a coin, year of a mint (1926) and slogan « a Proletarian of all countries, unite! ».
Was decided to leave figure of coins by such, with what he has developed on copper coins of 1924. Weight, a diameter, alloy offered by a PCF, have received the affirmation. By January 15, 1926 was announced about stamping and release in the reference of a new fine change coin (1, 2, 3 and 5 cop.).
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